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2022 AQHA Mare
Crystal Andersen 307.679.8129
Wickenburg, AZ, USA
MISS PEPTO BLAST 2022 AQHA Brown Mare by UNO PEPTO (One Time Pepto x Smart B Back by I’ll Be Smart) x BLAST O HICKORY (Nitro Dual Doc x WR Missy Hickory by Docs Hickory)
This classy little mare is quick on her feet and has a good foundation and athletic ability to carry on a nice derby horse, VRH or ranch/ rope prospect.
Missy wants to please and be somebody’s go-to horse. She fell through the crack some as a true futurity horse but I have no doubt in the right hands she will make a great derby horse and more!
Located in Wickenburg, AZ
$12,500 FIRM
Consigned by Crystal Andersen 307.679.8129
Big Sky Horse Sales, LLC, makes no guarantee or warranty regarding any horse. Big Sky Horse Sales, LLC, specifically disclaims all warranties, express and implied, including any warranty of merchantability or fitness for any particular purpose. All horses are sold "As-Is."
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